Alat uji FCoV Ag digunakan untuk mendeteksi antigen feline coronavirus (FCoV) dalam kotoran kucing. FCoV adalah virus corona yang dapat menyebabkan diare dan masalah pencernaan lainnya pada kucing. Alat tes FCoV Ag biasanya sangat akurat, tetapi harus selalu diinterpretasikan oleh dokter hewan.
FCoV is a virus that can cause gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections in cats. It is mainly transmitted through fecal-oral route or direct contact. Its clinical manifestations include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, coughing, runny nose and other symptoms. Some FCoV-infected cats may develop fatal peritonitis, which is characterized by ascites, fever, anemia, leukopenia and other symptoms. Therefore, timely detection and isolation of infected animals are very important.